Love & Misadventure by Lang Leav - The Multi-Hobbyist

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Love & Misadventure by Lang Leav

Love & Misadventure by Lang Leav

It was making a buzz last year, with people posting about this on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And oh, even Tumblr! I told myself I wouldn't get on the bandwagon but eventually, I did. I hopped in last January. I was bored, looking for something to do for a few hours of waiting for the boyfriend. So I waited at the condo's clubhouse, opened my iPod and started reading this treasure...

An excerpt from Love & Misadventure, also one of my favorites from the book.

To be honest, most of the "quotable quotes" I have read from friends' posts in their social networking accounts, I came to the conclusion that it's like the book for brokenhearted ones. But upon opening the book and turning every page, I was wrong. I can also relate to some entries, since the book itself is not just about misadventures and hearts broken, hence the title, "Love & Misadventures".
          Lang Leav has reached out to her readers with her works, through this book. Sharing every emotion, every passion. She even has a poem for art and books!image
I love it how she expressed everything she was currently feeling at the time she wrote each and every single poem for this book. I felt like I was there, feeling the exact same thing. I felt disappointment, to happiness, to be grateful.

I love it how limited her words were, but what she wants her readers to feel, visualize and interpret were infinite. That's how much I enjoyed reading this book--I forgot the time. I finished it in one seating--for like an hour or two. Two thumbs up, Lang.

Now I am hooked on reading these kinds of book. In fact, I am currently reading "I Wrote This For You". Will blog about this once I am finished. :)